
The Keto Lifestyle

Keto Lifestyle

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Keto Lifestyle 101: The Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

Simply put, the keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat, moderate protein diet that helps your body burn fat as your main source of energy instead of

Living a Keto Lifestyle: 5 Top Tips to Keep You on Track

The key to reaping the biggest health benefits is turning your keto diet into a keto lifestyle. Learn the top five strategies here.

Benefits of a KETO Lifestyle

Herman Brot products are ALL very low in carbohydrates and KETO friendly. They can easily be incorporated into your macros while on a keto diet

Learn everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet.

Learn everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet.

Everything you need to know about starting and succeeding on the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet. Learn the benefits of ketosis, what foods to eat and avoid, plus helpful tips to get into ketosis faster, avoid keto flu, and adapt keto for vegetarians. Get motivated with keto recipes, meal plans, and advice for staying on track long-term.


The ketogenic diet involves consuming a meager amount of carbohydrates and replacing them with fat to help your body burn fat for energy. Health benefits can include weight loss and lowering your risk for certain diseases.

Although the ketogenic diet has been around for almost a century, it is rapidly gaining popularity today. There is a reason why Keto is so highly regarded. It’s not a fad diet. It works, and it has tremendous health benefits in addition to weight loss. When on the keto diet, you feed your body exactly what it needs while eliminating toxins that will slow it down.

Slice of Eggs on Cakes

The keto diet focuses on low carbohydrates, which the body converts into energy to help speed up weight loss.

What is the problem with high carbs, and why should you avoid them? Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and cause a spike in insulin. As insulin enters the bloodstream, it processes glucose, the primary energy source. A spike in insulin can also result in the storage of fats. The body uses carbohydrates and fats as energy, the former being the primary source. So, the more carbs you consume in your daily diet, the less fat is being burned for energy. Instead, the spike in insulin will result in more fat storage.

When you consume fewer carbohydrates, the body goes into ketosis. Thus, the name for this low-carb diet.

Ketosis helps the body survive on less food. By being in ketosis, you ‘train’ your body to utilize fats as the primary source of energy instead of carbs, simply because there are close to zero carbs to begin with. During ketosis, the liver breaks down fats into ketones, which enables the body to use the fat as energy. During a keto diet, we don’t starve ourselves of calories; we die the body of carbohydrates. This makes weight loss easy and natural. Later,

you’ll learn that the keto diet has many additional health benefits besides fat loss.

The keto diet is easy, but some people miss beans and breads. It takes a bit of getting used to; starting anything new is challenging. Ultimately, you’ll feel much better physically and mentally, and you’ll be happy to avoid carbs once and for all. And being able to eat bacon on a diet does have its rewards!


Table of Content
  1. Chapter 1: What is a Ketogenic Diet?
  2. Chapter 2 – Benefits of Keto Diet
  3. Chapter 3 – Keto Diet and Cancer
  4. Chapter 4 – Keto Diet and Epilepsy
  5. Chapter 5 – Keto Diet and Blood Pressure
  6. Chapter 6 – What Do I Eat on a Keto Diet?
  7. Chapter 7 – Keto Diet For Rapid Weight Loss
  8. Chapter 8 – Getting Started on the Keto Diet
  9. Chapter 9 – Keto Recipe
  10. 10. Frequently Asked Questions
  11. 11. Conclusion
The Keto Lifestyle

The keto diet is a low or zero-carbohydrate diet. Still, it differs from other low-carb diets (such as Paleo) in that it deliberately manipulates the ratios of carbs, fats, and protein to switch fat into the body’s primary fuel source. Our bodies are used to using carbohydrates as fuel. Fats, a secondary fuel source, are rarely tapped on. That means the extra fat is stored and keeps adding on the pounds.

The only ways to reduce fat in a ‘normal’ diet are to consume less fat and work a lot to increase energy expenditure over daily calorie intake, which is why most people fail to lose weight on a conventional diet.

On the other hand, the ketogenic diet uses fat for fuel, which means it gets used instead of being stored. So, weight loss becomes easy. In addition to weight loss, the ketogenic diet is known as the “healing” diet. The lack of sugar intake has been proven to help prevent many diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancers, epilepsy, and many symptoms of aging.

The manipulation of carbs, fats, and protein is crucial to get into ketosis. It’s a state when the body, deprived of the usual carbohydrates and sugar, is forced to use fat as its primary fuel. So, the ratio of fats and protein is significantly higher than carbs in general.

Of course, consuming less carbs also means lowering your body’s insulin amount. Less insulin; Less glucose and fat storage. That is why the keto diet has been so successful in helping people with diabetes. It adjusts the sugar level naturally.

The ratio of carbs, fat, and protein can vary. Many consume up to 50 grams of carbohydrates daily and still lose weight. On a stricter regime, the carb intake can be between 15 and 20 grams daily. The less carbs, the quicker the weight loss, but the diet is very flexible.

On the keto diet, you don’t count calories. You count carbohydrates and adjust the intake of carbs vs. fat and protein. A typical keto diet will get 60 percent of its calories from fat, 15 to 25 percent of calories from protein, and 25 percent of calories from carbohydrates. The only limitation of the diet is sugar, which you need to avoid.

The ketogenic diet is not a fad. Many scientific studies have shown the benefits and healing effects of ketosis. Discuss the ketogenic diet with your doctor if you are interested in consuming less sugar, losing weight, or as preventive measures against vulnerable health problems.

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Benefits of Keto Diet

 Although the ketogenic diet is popularly known as a ‘rapid fat loss diet,’ there is more to this than meets the eye. Weight loss and higher energy levels are only by-products of the keto diet, a kind of bonus. The keto diet has been scientifically proven to have many additional medical benefits.

Let’s begin by stating that a high carbohydrate diet with its many processed ingredients and sugars has no health

benefits. These are merely empty calories, and most processed foods ultimately only rob your body of the nutrients it needs to remain healthy. Here is a list of actual benefits of lowering your carbohydrates and eating fats that convert to energy:

Control of Blood Sugar

Keeping blood sugar low is critical to managing and preventing diabetes. The keto diet has been proven to be highly effective in preventing diabetes.

Many people who have diabetes are also overweight. That makes an easy weight-loss regime a natural. But the keto diet does more. Carbohydrates get converted to sugar, which can result in a sugar spike for people with diabetes. A diet low in carbohydrates prevents these spikes and allows more control over blood sugar levels.

Mental Focus

The keto diet is based on protein, fats, and low carbohydrates. As we’ve discussed, this forces fat to become the primary energy source. This is not the typical Western diet, which can be quite deficient in nutrients, particularly fatty acids, needed for proper brain function.

When people suffer from cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, the brain isn’t using enough glucose, thus becoming lacking in energy, and the brain has difficulty functioning at a high level. The keto diet provides an additional energy source for the brain.

A study by the American Diabetes Association found that Type 1 diabetics improved their brain function after consuming coconut- oil.

That same study indicated that people who have Alzheimer’s might experience improved memory capacity on a keto diet. Those with Alzheimer’s have seen improved memory scores that might correlate with the amount of ketone levels present.

What does this study mean to an average person? With the emphasis on fatty acids, such as omega three and omega six found in seafood, the keto diet will likely fuel the brain with the additional nutrients to help achieve a healthier mental state. The brain tissue is made up mainly of fatty acids (you’ve heard fish referred to as “brain food”), and the increased consumption of those fatty acids will logically lead to improved brain health.

Our body does not produce fatty acids independently; we can only obtain them through diet. The keto diet is rich in fatty acids.

A diet high in carbohydrates can lead to a “foggy” brain, where you have difficulty focusing. Focusing becomes more accessible with the increased energy provided by the keto diet. Many people who have no need or desire to lose weight use the keto diet to improve and enhance brain functions.

Increased Energy

It’s not unusual, and it has become almost routine to feel tired and drained at the end of the day due to a poor, carbohydrate-laden diet. Fat is a more efficient energy source, leaving you feeling more vitalized than in a “sugar” rush.


While most of the benefits of a keto diet are well-documented, one benefit surprises some people: better skin and less acne. Acne is pretty standard. Ninety percent of teens suffer from it, and many adults do, as well.

While it was always thought that acne was at least exacerbated by poor diet, controlled research is still being conducted. However, many people on the keto diet have reported clearer skin. There may be a logical reason. A 1972 study found that high levels of insulin

can cause the eruption of acne. Since a keto diet keeps insulin at a low and healthy level, it may very well affect skin health.

In addition, acne thrives on inflammation. The ketogenic diet eases and reduces inflammation, thus enabling the body to decrease acne eruptions. Fatty acids, found in abundance in fish, are a known anti-inflammatory.

While research is still being done, it seems likely that a keto diet has beneficial effects for more straightforward, healthier, more glowing skin.

Keto and Anti-Aging

Many diseases are a natural result of the aging process. While studies have not been done on humans, studies on mice have shown brain cell improvement on a keto diet.

Several studies have shown a positive effect of the keto diet on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. We know that a diet filled with good nutrients and antioxidants, low in sugar, high in protein, and healthy fats, while common in carbohydrates, enhances our overall health. It protects us from the toxins of a poor diet.

Research indicates that using fatty acids for fuel instead of sugar may slow the aging process, possibly because of sugar’s adverse effects on our overall well-being.

In addition, eating less and consuming fewer calories is a matter of essential health, as it prevents obesity and its inherent side effects.

So far, studies have been limited. However, considering the powerful positive effects of the ketogenic diet on our health, it is logical to assume this diet will help us grow older more naturally while delaying the biological impact of aging. A regular Western diet laden with sugars and processed foods is undoubtedly detrimental to warding off the signs of aging.

Keto and Hunger

One of the significant reasons diets fail is hunger. People who diet feel hungry and deprived and give up. A low carbohydrate diet naturally leaves people feeling full and satisfied. Less hungry means people will remain on the diet longer while consuming fewer calories.

Keto and Eyesight

People with diabetes are aware that high blood sugar can lead to a higher risk of developing cataracts. Since the keto diet controls sugar levels, it can help retain eyesight and help prevent cataracts. This has been proven in several studies involving diabetic patients.

Keto and Autism

We know the keto diet affects brain functions. In a study on autism, it was found that it also has a positive effect on autism. Thirty autistic children were placed on the keto diet. All showed improved autistic behavior, especially those on the milder autistic spectrum. While more studies are needed, the results were highly positive.

Keto Diet and Cancer

Cancer has turned into a severe disease in our modern society. While cancer was not a significant factor before the 20th century (it did exist, of course), our modern diet and sedentary lifestyle have made cancer the second primary cause of death, with 1600 Americans dying from this disease every day. It appears that our bodies do not react well to being exposed to daily toxins.

While your physician must guide any cancer treatment, it is a good idea to discuss the keto diet and what it can do to help in the treatment of this disease.

A cancer-specific keto diet may consist of as much as 90 percent fat. There is an excellent reason for that. What doctors do know is that cancer cells feed off carbohydrates and sugar. This is what helps them grow and multiply in number.

As we have seen, the keto diet dramatically reduces our carbohydrate and sugar consumption as our metabolism is altered. What the keto diet does, in essence, is remove the “food” on which cancer cells feed and starve them. The result is that cancer cells may die, multiply at a slower rate, or decrease.

Another reason why a keto diet can slow down the growth of cancer cells is that by reducing calories, cancer cells have less energy to develop and grow in the first place. Insulin also helps cells grow. Since the keto diet lowers insulin levels, it slows down the growth of tumorous cells.

When on the keto diet, the body produces ketones. At the same time, the body is fueled by ketones, but cancerous cells are not. Therefore, a state of ketosis may help reduce the size and growth of cancer cells.

One study monitored the growth of tumors in patients with digestive tract cancer. Of those patients who received a high carbohydrate diet, tumors showed a 32.2 percent in growth. Patients on a keto diet showed a 24.3 percent growth in their tumor. The difference is quite significant.

Another study involved five patients who combined chemotherapy with a keto diet. Three of these patients went into remission. Two patients saw a progression of the disease when they went off the keto diet.

More studies are needed, but these numbers are encouraging.

The keto diet may help prevent cancer from occurring in diabetic patients in the first place. People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing cancer due to elevated blood sugar levels. Since the ketogenic diet is highly effective at decreasing the levels of blood sugar, it may prevent the initial onset of cancer.

From what research has discovered so far, the ketogenic diet may:

  1. Stop the growth of cancer
  2. Help replace cancerous cells with healthy
  3. Change the body’s metabolism and enable the body to “starve” cancer cells by depriving them of needed
  4. By lowering the body’s insulin level, the ketogenic body may prevent the onset of cancer

On a ketogenic diet specifically for cancer, your fats should be 75 to 90 percent, your protein 15-20 percent, and your carbohydrates less than 5 percent.

Foods to Eat

  1. Eggs, including yolks
  2. All green, leafy vegetables, as well as cauliflower, avocado, mushrooms, peppers, cucumbers, and
  3. When choosing dairy, choose a full-fat version of cheeses, butter, sour cream, yogurt, and milk.
  4. Eat nuts such as walnuts, almonds, filberts, and sunflower and pumpkin

Foods to Eat in Moderation

  1. Have one serving of root vegetables, such as yams, parsnip, carrots, and turnips per
  2. Fruits contain sugar, so treat them like a tiny piece per day.
  3. A glass of dry wine, vodka, whiskey, and brandy once a No cocktails with sugars.
  4. A small piece of chocolate with 75 percent or higher cocoa content once a

Foods to Avoid

  1. Any food containing sugar, including cereals, soft drinks, juices, sports drinks, candies, and chocolate. Limit artificial sweeteners as much as possible.
  2. Starchy food includes pasta, potatoes, bread, potato chips, French fries, cooking oils, and margarine.
  3. All beers.
Keto Diet and Epilepsy

The initial use of the keto diet had nothing to do with weight loss or diabetes management, for which it is now so well-known. Instead, the diet was created by a doctor in 1924 to help his patients suffering from epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a nervous system disorder that can bring on recurrent seizures at any time. The symptoms can be spasms, convulsions, or an unusual psychological view of the world. In any case, it is caused by abnormal brain activity. The severity of the symptoms varies from person to person. A person is diagnosed with epilepsy only if they suffer from more than two seizures in one full day. Anyone can suffer from this disorder, but it seems to affect young children the most, perhaps because the young brain is still in a state of development.

Drugs frequently manage seizures. Sometimes, they work; sometimes, they don’t.

As far back as 1924, however, Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic conducted groundbreaking research and created the ketogenic diet to help children suffering from epilepsy. It was remarkably effective, but doctors lost interest when new anti-seizure

medications came on the market. It was easier for them to prescribe medication than to discuss diet.

However, people who used the keto diet to treat seizures continued to see remarkable success. Today, doctors are returning to using the low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet to treat their patients. The results have been encouraging.

In 1998, the Journal of Pediatrics published a study involving 150 children who experienced seizures despite taking popular anti-seizure medications. The children were on the ketogenic diet for one year, and the researchers assessed their progress.

Eighty-three percent of the subjects were still in the study after three months. Over one-third of the children showed a 90 percent decrease in seizures. At the end of the year, slightly more than half of the subjects had remained on the diet, and a quarter of them experienced a 90 percent decrease in seizures. The numbers indicate that the keto diet has a tremendously positive effect on children who suffer from seizures. The researchers consider it more effective than medication in many cases.

For anyone with children who experience seizures, the inclusion of a keto diet in the child’s treatment should be discussed with their physician.

the keto diet on childhood epilepsy involved

Another research on the effects of the keto diet on childhood epilepsy involved 145 children. The children were divided into two groups, with one group being treated with medication while the other group receiving a ketogenic diet. Seventy-four percent of the ketogenic diet group were successful in reducing seizures.

There have been more studies of childhood epilepsy and the keto diet. These have sparked new and considerable interest within the medical profession.

Keto Diet and Blood Pressure

One-third of American adults suffer from high blood pressure. It is a severe health problem that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Obviously, the higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk. Aging and obesity significantly increase the chances of developing high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is usually treated with various medications, some of which can have side effects. The best blood pressure is 120/80. High blood pressure is the result of hypertension, and the causes aren’t always clear, but we live in an increasingly tense world, and more and more people are dealing with high blood pressure.

It is a known fact that people suffering from high blood pressure frequently carry excess belly fat and can become at risk for type 2 diabetes. Getting to the root of all these problems may require a lifestyle change.

The symptoms of high blood pressure can be caused by an overload of carbohydrates in the diet, more than the body can handle. As we’ve discussed, carbohydrates are converted into sugars, which

raise the body’s blood sugar level, forcing the body to create additional insulin. Insulin stores fat, and an excess of insulin can lead to obesity. All of this can hurt your blood pressure.

Consuming fewer carbohydrates decreases both the level of insulin and the blood pressure level. This simple dietary change can make a huge difference in your blood pressure.

In a fascinating study released in the Archives of Internal Medicine, 146 overweight people participated in a weight-loss experiment. The people were divided into two groups. One group was put on a ketogenic diet containing 20 grams of carbohydrates. In contrast, the other group was given the weight-loss drug Orlistat and counseled to follow a low-fat regimen.

Both groups showed similar weight loss. What surprised the researchers was that half of the keto group showed a decrease in blood pressure, while only 21 percent of the low-fat diet group had any reduction in blood pressure. While weight loss itself would bring about a lowering of blood pressure, the study suggests that a

decrease in carbohydrate intake can help lower blood pressure even more.

It was found that potassium specifically had a significant effect on lower hypertension. Doctors recommend at least 4,700 mg of potassium daily to lower blood pressure.

Foods high in potassium are:

  • Avocado
  • Acorn squash
  • Bananas
  • Coconut water
  • Dried apricots
  • Pomegranate
  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • White beans

While all these foods are permitted on the ketogenic diet, limit your intake of sweet potatoes and beans, which are starchy and can contain high carbs.

What Do I Eat on a Keto Diet?

Some people associate the keto diet with the wrong word “fat” and are quick to dismiss it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fat is allowed because it is converted into energy. Our body needs healthy fats to thrive. Other foods on a diet could not be more nutritious. When you’re eating ketogenic, you’re filling your body with nutrition. Let’s take a look at the foods you’ll be eating.

the elimination of processed foods and sugar is one

As this book has already pointed out, eliminating processed foods and sugar is one of the best things you can do for your health in general. Processed foods are filled with toxic preservatives that do nothing for you but rob you of your good health. Fresh is always better. When purchasing anything at the market, get into the habit of reading labels. They can be very sneaky and revealing.

Keep your carbohydrates under 50 grams daily, and you’ll feel the difference. A stricter ketogenic diet will contain approximately 20 grams of carbs a day.

Food to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

 1.    Seafood

 Everyone knows about seafood’s healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Very few of us eat enough. The keto diet encourages the consumption of all things from the sea. Shrimp and crabs are carb-free, and other shellfish contain only a low amount of carbohydrates.

Fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, are highly recommended because of their high omega-fatty acid content. Fish truly is brain food. Enjoy at least two servings or more of seafood a week on the keto diet. Simple canned tuna counts as seafood.

2.    Vegetables

 Can a diet that recommends unlimited green, leafy vegetables be anything but healthy? They are deficient in carbohydrates and bursting with vitamins, antioxidants, and the fiber we need daily. Green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale are believed to decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer. Cauliflower and turnips can look like rice or mashed potatoes, with much less starch and carbohydrates.

“Starchy” vegetables, such as potatoes or beets, have carbs and should be limited to the keto diet.

3.    Dairy Foods

  1. There are cheeses to satisfy everyone’s taste. They are high in fat content for energy, high in protein and calcium, and low in
  2. Yogurt and cottage cheese are a great source of protein, and They are low-carb and fit well into the ketogenic lifestyle.

Be sure to stick with plain yogurt, as the flavored types contain a lot of sugar, as are the so-called “low-fat” versions. You can flavor yogurt and cottage cheese yourself with a few berries and nuts.

4.    Avocados

Avocados are indeed a “superfood.” They are high in essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium. According to a study, avocados also help lower cholesterol by 22 percent.

Loaded with nutrients and delicious taste, avocados only have 2 grams of net carbohydrates. Use them in salads and sandwiches.

5.    Meat and Poultry

The keto diet lets you eat plenty of meat. Meat contains very few carbs and is high in protein to help you build muscles. Whenever possible, choose healthy, grass-fed meats with higher fatty acids.

6.    Eggs

Eggs are high in protein and contain a mere 1 gram of carbohydrates. They are also inexpensive and ideal for anyone on a ketogenic diet.

Eggs also make you feel full, thereby helping you eat less. Many people take pride in only consuming the whites of eggs, but the true nutrition lies in the yolk, so be sure to eat the egg.

7.    Coconut Oil

Too many people are unfamiliar with coconut oil, another “superfood.” It is perfect for people dealing with diabetes and has been used with Alzheimer’s patients.

Coconut oil can be used in most recipes instead of butter or oil. You can also use it for frying and sautéing.

8.    Dark Chocolate

Did you know that dark chocolate has a high amount of antioxidants? Dark chocolate is reaching

superfood status. Chocolate with 80 percent or higher natural cocoa powder can lower blood pressure.

An ounce of 80 percent dark chocolate contains 10 grams of carbohydrates, which counts as a healthy snack. Remember that the lower the cocoa content, the less healthy the chocolate will be. Milk chocolate does not count as a healthy chocolate.

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet

 The keto diet has a lot fewer restricted foods than many other diets. Sugar, of course, should be avoided. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy sweet desserts. Many keto-friendly recipes substitute unsweetened apple sauce for sugar in baked goods. Substitute sweeteners such as Stevia can also be used in moderation.

Remember that fruits are healthful, but they contain a great deal of sugar, so limit the amount you eat to just a few slices a day. Fruit juices are concentrates that have vitamins but lack fiber. And their sugar content is extremely high. Read the label on any bottle of juice before buying. The best juices are “green” with just a hint of fruit for flavoring.

Be careful with cereals. Most are packed with sugar and robbed of any nutrients. Many claim “nutrition added,” but all that means is that all nutrition has been removed and replaced with a small amount and a whole lot of sugar for taste. One hundred percent bran cereal will fit into your keto diet, and you can sweeten it with a handful of berries. Just be sure to examine all labels in the cereal aisle. They can be very tricky. Also, remember that honey, too, is considered as sugar.

Omit white starches from your diet. They are nothing but empty calories. This includes white bread, pasta, and rice. Buy the wholegrain version instead, and enjoy it in moderation.

Legumes and beans are healthy for you, but they are high in carbohydrates. You can have them occasionally; keep them within your daily 20 – 5o carb-gram count.

Alcohols tend to be empty calories, but certain spirits will be better for you than others. Beer is filled with carbs and should be off your keto diet. The expression “beer belly” exists for a reason. Enjoy a glass of wine instead. Of course, there are variances in different types of wine. Dry wines contain a minimum amount of sugar, while sweet dessert wines contain much more.

Pure alcohols such as whiskey and vodka are carb-free, but they do contain calories, so have care. Mixing alcohol for fancy cocktails usually creates a haven for sugar, so avoid those.

Wine coolers may be a tasty treat, but they are just sugary sodas with some added alcohol. They should not be on your keto diet at any time.

Keto Diet For Rapid Weight Loss

 Many people confuse the ketogenic diet with low-carb diets or paleo diets. However, there are considerable differences of which you should be aware.

Keto v. Low Carb

Keto v. Low Carb

A low-carb diet can be anything it wants to be, as long as it is low in carbohydrates. And “low” is rarely defined. On a low-carb diet, you make random food choices that curb your carb intake arbitrarily. You might still consume too many carbs since there is no actual number.

Most importantly, the low-carb diet lacks that all-critical ketonic state that turns carbs into fats and provides your body with a new and effective fuel source. This can leave you very hungry and tired.

The ketogenic diet has a specific ratio of carbs to fats to protein. This manipulation is critical, and it’s why a low-carb diet won’t work as well, if at all.

Keto v. Paleo

The Paleo is also a low-carb-type diet. It is based on the assumption that eating the way our troglodyte’s ancestors did, i.e., meat and no carbs, sugars, or grains, is the healthiest diet.

There are problems with this reasoning. First, our ancestors never experienced the kind of diseases that we face. The ketogenic diet is a “healing” diet that benefits the body in many ways and helps prevent diseases. The paleo diet does not do that.

Also, the paleo diet is based on eating meat instead of manipulating the ratio of fats, carbohydrates, and protein to achieve a ketonic state that uses fat as fuel.

Ketogenic Diet

 Ketogenic is low-carb, but it is much more.

There is a reason the ketogenic diet has become so popular. It helps improve your overall well-being in addition to helping you lose weight. You have more energy during the day and feel sated and complete, reducing the cravings for unhealthy snacks. In essence, you are eating less but better. That’s what makes the keto diet so unique and successful.

The ketogenic diet is not a magic pill made up by some gurus. Countless studies and testimonials can back the

effectiveness of this diet. It is a scientifically proven method that balances your body’s fat intake to help achieve optimal weight loss.

By using fat instead of sugar as your primary energy source, the keto diet induces a state of ketosis, which is achieved when your body stops receiving carbohydrates to turn into glucose. The fewer carbohydrates you consume, the more you force your body to burn fat for energy instead of storing it.

This is why it is possible to lose weight quickly on the keto diet. It counts carbohydrates instead of calories. Using fats as an additional energy source is what ketosis is all about. It is a natural state that helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors survive in the early days.

They feasted on low-carb foods when they could and fasted when food was scarce. Fat was stored and converted into energy during low times. The ketogenic state is a natural human state, which makes the ketogenic diet so powerful and successful. In addition to the benefits of the keto diet, most people enjoy the way it makes them feel better.

Weight loss results on the keto diet differ among individuals, depending on their body composition. However, weight loss has

been the consistent result for people on the keto diet. The keto diet is known as the best weight-loss diet, as well as the healthiest.

A 2017 study divided Crossfit-training subjects into two groups, with both groups following the physical training, but only one group combined the ketogenic diet with the training. The results showed that those on the keto diet decreased their fat mass and weight far more than the other group.

The keto diet group showed an average of 3.5-kilo weight loss, 2.6 percent body fat, and 2.83 kilos in fat mass, while the other group lost no weight, body fat, or fat mass. Both groups showed similar athletic performance ability.

A 2012 study divided overweight children and adolescents into two groups; one was put on a keto diet, the other on a low-calorie diet. As in other keto studies, the children on the keto diet decreased their weight and fat mass and lowered their insulin levels considerably more than the low-calorie group.

Besides more rapid weight loss, a decided advantage of the keto diet over a low-calorie diet is that people stick to it. A low-calorie diet will help you lose weight, but you may be

constantly feeling hungry and deprived. That is the main reason most diets fail. Hunger and deprivation are not a part of the ketogenic lifestyle.

Ketosis Explained

 As we have stated earlier, the keto diet isn’t magic. It is a proven science. Ketosis is a natural occurrence when you don’t feed your body enough carbohydrates and are forced to look for energy elsewhere.

You have undoubtedly experienced ketosis when you’ve missed a meal or have exhausted your body with rigorous exercise. Whenever these things happen, your body helps you out by raising its level of ketones. However, most people eat enough sugar and carbs to keep ketosis from happening.

We love our sugar and carbs, no matter how bad they are for us, and our bodies will happily use them as fuel. And since our bodies want to help us out, they turn excess glucose into fat and store it for future use. Stored fat translates into those ridiculous belly fats that you never want.

The more you restrict your carbohydrate consumption, the more your body will produce ketones. It has no other options. When we limit the amount of carbohydrates we eat, our body will still provide us with energy, but it must turn to another source. And that alternate source is fat that was so thoughtfully stored for emergencies. The result is a state of ketosis. It happens when our body breaks down the fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

Researchers have discovered most of what they know about ketosis from people who fast, thereby depriving them of all sources of energy. After two days of fasting, the body starts to produce ketones as it breaks down the available protein and uses stored fat for fuel. Ketosis is the natural process the body goes through when deprived of other energy sources.

Going on a ketogenic diet is healthier than fasting. Ketogenic should become a lifestyle, not a quick weight-loss method. One of the reasons it is so beneficial is that ketones offer protection against diseases and damage that can affect the body. As mentioned, the keto diet is an excellent tool to prevent many diseases and maintain health and strength.

Planning your keto meals will depend mainly on your goals. Are you trying to lose weight, or are you on the keto diet to alleviate the

symptoms of some disease? The average keto diet will consist of four meals daily, with 100 grams of protein, 25-50 grams of carbohydrates, and 140-160 grams of fat. This can, of course, be adjusted to your personal needs.

For example, if you are on a keto diet to improve cognitive functions, you may want to raise your fat intake to 90 grams daily for optimal results.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting on Keto

The science behind the ketogenic diet is that the body burns fat when deprived of other fuel sources. Intermittent fasting is a deliberate food deprivation that takes the concept further. We’re not talking about long-term fasting.

Intermittent fasting while on a keto diet meant having two meals daily or fasting one day a week. The fasting time allows the body to rest and rid itself of toxins. It provides an extra boost to the weight-loss benefits of Keto and is a great way to jump-start the diet. For weight loss, the keto diet and intermittent fasting will help you reach your goal faster and easier.

Getting Started on the Keto Diet

 You’re ready for a new and improved you. Congratulations. There are so many beautiful benefits to the ketogenic diet; you can expect many positive changes, both physical and mental. So, let’s not delay and get the journey started.

Clear Your Pantry

We’re sure you have plenty of willpower, but there is no need to confront a kitchen filled with tempting sugars and carbohydrates.

Make a clean sweep and pack the offending items in a box. Then, donate the loot to a needy neighbor or a soup kitchen. They will appreciate your gesture, and you are on your way to a keto lifestyle. If you have family, try to get them involved. If they refuse to eat carbs and sugar, at least, insist they do so away from home. It’s a fair request.

Weigh Yourself

 The keto diet does not require you to live by the tyranny of the scale. You might notice a slight initial gain as you build up healthy muscles. That’s great, so don’t worry.

However, it would be best to know your starting point. If you opt for the keto diet solely to lose weight, you can track your progress. But don’t become a slave to the scale. The occasional weigh-in, perhaps once a week, is enough.

What About Your Favorite Meals?

Perhaps the thought of giving up your favorite foods has prevented you from getting started on the keto way of life. Relax. For every dish that you love and can’t live without (yes, that includes cheesecake and mashed potatoes!), you can easily find a low-carb substitute that is just as tasty.

First, consider items at your market labeled “low carbohydrate.” Labels are frustratingly deceiving; you’d have to be a nutritional expert to understand them. All too frequently, off-the-shelf low-carb products have substituted sugar for carbs, so don’t fall for that deceit. It would be best if you learned to read labels with the diligence that you’d read your wealthy uncle’s will, but your best bet is to stay away from these products and find healthier substitutes. The same goes for anything labeled “low fat,” which inevitably means added sugars.

Are you craving a taco? Use a lettuce wrap instead of a taco shell. Do you want rice or mashed potatoes? Grate or rice a cauliflower, and you won’t be able to tell the difference. Can’t give up your favorite pasta dish? Turn zucchini into “zoodles” by slicing it or using a spiral cutter, and enjoy your pasta. Do you have to have your favorite dessert? On the keto diet, you can. Just bake with almond flour and use unsweetened applesauce and avocado to create sweet smoothness.

Learn about coconut oil, which can be used as a butter substitute in sautéing, frying, and baking. Coconut oil has incredible health benefits, especially for Type-2 diabetics.

On the keto diet, you’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite meals, only better.

Always Stay Hydrated

 The keto diet tends to lower your insulin level, so your kidneys may release more liquid than usual. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Condiments Can Be the Enemy

Don’t assume condiments don’t count on a diet. On the keto diet, they most certainly do. Ketchup is filled with sugar. Not all salad dressings are equal. Read the label, and never opt for the “fat-free” version. They have merely substituted sugar for fat.

Ordering salads when eating out is one of your best options, but beware of the restaurant’s dressing. Either ask about the ingredients or, better, bring your salad dressing. Don’t hesitate to do that, even in a posh eatery where the Maître d’ might become spastic at the sight of you pulling salad dressing out of your bag.

Keep Track of Your Ketone Level

 It’s essential to remain aware of how your body responds to the keto diet at the start. You can do so by doing a simple urine test. You can also purchase a blood ketone meter. It is recommended to perform the test early in the morning.

Friends and Family Can Be Annoying – Bless Their Hearts

Those nearest and dearest to you may not always understand what you are doing. When eating as a group, they may pressure you to “just try a bite” or “one slice of cake won’t kill you.” Or worse, “But I cooked it, especially for you!”

It will take resolve to stick to your diet. It may help to fill up on keto-friendly snacks before you sit down and eat. Enjoy some nuts, an avocado, or just a leg of chicken before you eat, and you will be less tempted.


 Celebratory occasions can be a huge hurdle, especially if you’re the guest of honor. When the gang at the office or your parents enter

a room with a cake yelling “Surprise!” on your birthday, it’s hard to refuse. So, try being a bit sneaky instead.

By all means, gush over the offering. You are expected to do that. You can even help cut slices. Then, discover a sudden and irresistible urge for coffee, which you verbalize loudly and clearly. Gently remove yourself from the activity center to get coffee for yourself and anyone else. Hopefully, by the time anyone notices, they’ve missed that you haven’t eaten anything.


 Traveling while on the keto diet can be a challenge, so be prepared. Pack a personal blender with some avocados and bananas for quick and healthful smoothies. Pack some anchovies or tuna for protein.

Eating Out

 Eating out isn’t as difficult as you may think. Even fast-food places have salads these days. In any restaurant, stick to meat and vegetables and forego the potatoes and noodles.

You can even navigate the tricky maze in a Chinese restaurant. While abstaining from rice, you can enjoy the following: clear

soups, steamed fish with vegetables, egg foo young, stir-fried dishes, and Mu Shu without wrappers, which are just a few suggestions. Ask your server if your meal can be prepared without cornstarch, frequently used as a thickener.

Even if you end up in a fast food place that doesn’t have salad, toss the buns from your burger and eat the meat. You can do the same at a friend’s house or a BBQ.


 The keto diet will build muscle mass and give you added energy. Don’t forget to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. It can be as simple as walking more, taking the stairs, or joining a gym.

How Long Should You Stay on a Ketogenic Diet?”

 The amount of time spent on the diet can vary and should be discussed with your doctor. Many people who use the ketogenic diet for weight loss remain on the diet for several weeks until they have achieved a goal; then, they turn to a paleo diet or other maintenance eating. You do not want to lose weight only to return to your old eating habits.

If you are on the ketogenic diet for medical or therapeutic reasons, check with your doctor to ascertain if you should remain on the diet for a more extended period.

Keto Recipe

You can take your favorite recipes and turn them into “keto.” Below are a few recipes to show you how easy it is. Buying a keto cookbook for your kitchen might be an excellent idea.

Two of the most essential keto recipes are the simple cauliflower rice and “zoodles.” They couldn’t be easier to prepare. People can get frustrated on the keto diet when they crave pasta and rice. These two recipes satisfy those cravings; they taste like real things. The zoodles can be used for any pasta dish.

pasta dish

Invest in a calorie counter, as you will need it.

Omelet Muffins

Omelet Muffins

Make plenty of these ahead of time. They’ll go fast.


  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • Ten eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ cup diced ham
  • ¼ cup drained spinach
  • ¼ cup diced onion
  • ¼ cup chopped red bell pepper
  • ¼ cup shredded Pepper Jack cheese


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Coat a muffin pan with non-stick spray.
  • Whisk the eggs, then stir in the remaining ingredients. Fill the muffin pan with the mixture.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.

Nutritional Facts: Calories 155; carb. 2g; fat 10g; protein 12.5g.

Breakfast Casserole

Breakfast Casserole

This is a delicious casserole everyone can enjoy. It will leave you satisfied until lunch.


  • Ten eggs
  • ¼ cup whipping cream 1 cup ricotta cheese
  • One diced onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • One package of thawed frozen spinach 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • One lb. crumbled sausage meat


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Whisk the eggs, whipping cream, ricotta cheese, and onion well—season with salt and pepper.
  • Add the spinach, mushrooms, and crumbled sausage.
  • Bake for 30 minutes.

Keto Pancakes

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Serve these pancakes with butter and sugar-free syrup or with berries.


  • One ¼ cup almond flour 2 tbsp. honey
  • Dash of salt
  • 1 tsp. Baking powder 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 6 beaten eggs
  • ¼ cup plain Greek yogurt 3 tbsp. melted butter
  • 1 tsp. lemon extract


  • Stir the flour, baking powder, and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Combine the eggs, honey, yogurt, lemon extract, and butter in another bowl.
  • Slowly stir the egg mixture into the flour mixture.
  • Use two tablespoons of batter and drop on a hot grill. Cook for 4 minutes, then flip and cook for another 2 minutes. Continue until all batter has been used.

Nutritional  Information: 413  calories;    34g fat;    18.4g carbohydrates; 16.3g protein.

Apple Red Cabbage

Apple Red Cabbage

Cabbage is a great vegetable to have on Keto. This red cabbage side dish is yummy.


  • Eight slices of bacon cut into pieces, one large diced onion
  • One peeled and sliced apple 2 cup chicken broth
  • 3 tbsp. red cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. Coconut palm sugar or sugar substitute, such as Splenda 1 tsp. ground cloves
  • ½ tsp. allspice
  • ½ tsp. nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper to taste one shredded red cabbage


  • Fry the bacon in a skillet until crispy. Add the onion and saute for 5-6 minutes.
  • Stir in the broth, sugar, vinegar, spices, salt and pepper. Add the cabbage and cook on low for 45 minutes.
  • Nutrition Facts:    160 calories; 7.8 g fat; 16 g carbohydrates; 4 g protein.

 Cinnamon Granola

 Cinnamon Granola

Store-bought granola usually has a high sugar content. Try this instead.


  • One cup chopped walnuts
  • ½ cup shredded coconuts
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds 2 tbsp. sunflower seeds
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon
  • coconut palm sugar 1 tbsp. melted butter


  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  • Combine the walnuts, shredded coconut, sliced almonds, and sunflower seeds.
  • Add cinnamon and coconut palm sugar and stir into the nut mixture.
  • Spread the mixture in a single layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle with the melted butter.
  • Bake for 20 minutes.

Nutrition Facts: 180 calories; 19 g fat; 4.1 g carbohydrates; 4 g protein.

Herbed Omelet with Smoked Salmon

Herbed Omelet with Smoked Salmon

You can enjoy this omelet anytime, but a breakfast of protein and fatty acids gets the day started right.


  • butter
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 1 tsp. tarragon
  • thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste 1 tbsp. Butter
  • chopped onions, four skinny tomato slices, two smoked salmon sliced 1 tsp. capers


  • Whisk the eggs and add the tarragon, thyme, salt, and pepper. Melt the butter in a skillet and add the beaten eggs and chopped onions.
  • Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the eggs begin to set.
  • Transfer the omelet to a plate and top with the tomato and salmon slices. Sprinkle with capers.

Nutrition Facts: Calories: 239; fat 15 g; carbohydrates 4 g; protein 22 g.

 Cheeseburger Salad

 Cheeseburger Salad

This is your favorite cheeseburger without the bun.


  • One lb. ground beef
  • Salt and pepper to taste 3 cups chopped lettuce one small diced onion
  • 1 sliced tomato
  • ¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese 4 tbsp. oil and vinegar dressing


  • Fry the ground beef in a skillet for 4 minutes. Add the onion and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Place the beef and onions in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients except the dressing.
  • Coat with the salad dressing.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 290; Fat 14 g; Carbohydrates 6; Protein 25 g.

Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower Rice

This straightforward recipe is for basic rice. You can dress it up with vegetables and spices or stir-fry it. Use this whenever you need rice as a side dish or recipe.


  • One cauliflower head


  • Chop the cauliflower into florets.
  • Place the florets in a food processor and pulse until you have a rice-like consistency.
  • Cook the rice in a pan of salted water for 5 minutes.

Nutritional Facts: Calories 21; Carbohydrates 5; Fat 0; Protein 0



These zoodles made from zucchini taste like noodles. A spiralizer is the easiest way to create zoodles, but you can also use a mandolin. Zoodles get soggy quickly, so do not cook for more than 1 minute—season with butter or shredded cheese.


  • zucchini


  • Use a spiralizer to create pasta strands.
  • Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and cook the zoodles for 1 minute.

 Bacon-Wrapped Chicken

 Bacon-Wrapped Chicken

It is a very decadent and delicious way to enjoy chicken.


  • boneless and skinless chicken breast
  • 2 cups chopped spinach 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 cup cream cheese
  • ½ cup cottage cheese Salt and pepper to taste 12 slices bacon


  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
  • Mix spinach, mushroom, cream cheese, and cottage cheese in a bowl.
  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper.
  • Use a mallet to flatten the chicken pieces to a 1/2-inch thickness. Use a sharp knife to cut pockets in one end.
  • Spoon the mixture into the pockets.
  • Wrap two bacon slices around each chicken piece.
  • Brown the wrapped chicken in a skillet for 5 minutes on each side. Place the chicken pieces in a baking dish.
  • Bake the chicken for 45 minutes. The bacon should be crispy, and the chicken is done.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 390; Fat 22 g; Carbs 3.9 g; Protein 41 g.

 Cobb Salad

 Cobb Salad

This salad is very high in protein. Enjoy.

Ingredients for Dressing:

  • 1 tbsp. Olive oil
  • white vinegar 1 tsp. Dijon mustard 2 tbsp. diced onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients for Cobb Salad:

  • ¾ cup cubed cooked chicken
  • ½ cup diced tomatoes
  • ½ cup blue cheese
  • tablespoons blue cheese, one sliced hard-boiled egg
  • 2 cups chopped greens one sliced avocado
  • Four cooked and sliced bacon slices


  • Arrange the greens on a plate
  • Arrange rows of chicken, diced tomatoes, blue cheese, egg slices, avocado slices, and bacon pieces on top of the greens.
  • Combine all dressing ingredients. Drizzle the dressing over the salad.

Nutrition facts: Calories 295; Fat 11 g; Carbs 4 g; Protein 22 g.

 Slow Cooker Pot Roast

 Slow Cooker Pot Roast

This pot roast is prepared without potatoes or carrots. If you add them, adjust the carbs accordingly.


  • Two lb. chuck roast
  • Salt and pepper to taste 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • Two minced garlic cloves, one chopped onion
  • 2 ½ cup beef broth
  • ½ cup dry red wine


  • Season the roast with salt and pepper. Salt and pepper the roast.
  • Heat the olive oil in a skillet and brown the roast on all sides. Place the roast and remaining ingredients in the slow cooker. Stir the ingredients to combine.
  • Cook on low for 6 hours.

Nutrition facts: Calories 242; Fat 12 g; Carbs 9.8 g; Protein 21g.

 Spinach and Sausage Soup

This soup is loaded with flavor while remaining very low in carbs.


  • One lb. spicy crumbled Italian sausage 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • chopped onion
  • sliced carrots
  • minced garlic clove
  • red wine vinegar
  • ½ tsp. oregano Dash of hot sauce
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • ½ cup whipping cream
  • 2 cups baby spinach Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat the olive oil in a skillet and sauté the crumbled sausage for 5 minutes, until it is no longer pink.
  • Transfer the sausage to a plate and drain on a paper towel. Sauté the onion, garlic, and carrot in the same pan.
  • Deglaze the pan with the red wine vinegar.
  • Add the chicken stock, whipping cream, oregano, and hot sauce and stir well—season with salt and pepper.
  • Simmer the soup for 5 minutes.
  • Transfer the sausage back into the pan and stir in the spinach. Cook for 1 minute to allow the spinach to wilt.

Nutrition facts: Calories 137; Fat 7.8 g; Carbs 2 g; Protein 11g.

Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken is all about the spice marinade. Serve it with some cauliflower rice.


  • 2 lbs. chicken thighs

Ingredients for Marinade:

  • Cup plain yogurt two lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp. Olive oil,
  • minced garlic cloves, one chili powder
  • grated fresh ginger, 1 tsp. garam masala
  • ½ tsp. cumin


  • With a sharp knife, cut several slits into the chicken thighs. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and drizzle with the lemon juice.
  • Combine the remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Place the chicken in the bowl and coat thoroughly.
  • Refrigerate up to 24 hours. The longer you marinate, the more flavor is absorbed.
  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  • Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and layer the chicken on top.
  • Bake for 45 – 50 minutes until the skin is nice and crispy.

Nutrition facts: Calories 145; Fat 5.8 g; Carbs 2.3 g; Protein 17g.

Curried Lamb

Curried Lamb


Filled with exotic spices, this curry dish is perfect with keto rice.

  • Lamb meat 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • One diced onion
  • Three minced garlic cloves
  • ½ tsp. grated ginger
  • ½ to. turmeric
  • ½ tsp. curry powder
  • ½ tsp. garam masala 2 cups beef stock
  • cup plain Greek yogurt one lemon juice


  • Cut the lamb meat into small pieces
  • Sauté the onion in the olive oil for 5 minutes, then add the garlic, ginger, turmeric, curry powder, and garam masala. Stir for another 5 minutes.
  • Add the meat and brown it for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in the beef stock and simmer for 40 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the yogurt and lemon juice.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 329; Fat 17 g; Carbs 9.1 g; Protein 36 g.

Cheddar Biscuits

Cheddar Biscuits

These tasty biscuits are great anytime. They freeze well, so keep them handy.


  • cups almond flour
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup coconut oil
  • cup of cream cheese, three eggs
  • baking powder 1 tsp. Baking soda with a Dash of salt


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  • Place the flour and the cheese in a food processor and pulse to a grainy consistency.
  • Add the baking powder and baking soda.
  • Heat the cream cheese and coconut oil in a small pan and warm until they melt. Stir to a creamy smoothness.
  • Whisk the eggs and add the salt.
  • Stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture and stir until a dough forms.
  • Use a tablespoon to drop the dough onto the baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes.
  • Allow the biscuits to cool for slicing.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 106; Fat 11.1 g; Carbs 2 g; Protein 3.9 g.

  1. What is the ketogenic diet?

    The ketogenic diet is a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates for energy. This produces ketones in the body, leading to a state of ketosis.

  2. What are the benefits of the ketogenic diet?

    The benefits of the keto diet can include weight loss, lowered blood sugar and insulin levels, improved brain and cognitive function, reduced risk of certain cancers, and anti-aging effects. The diet has also been used successfully to treat epilepsy.

  3. What can you eat on the ketogenic diet?

    Foods allowed on the keto diet include meat, fish, eggs, dairy, healthy fats like olive oil and avocado, nuts, non-starchy vegetables, and limited amounts of berries and dark chocolate. Avoiding foods include grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, fruit, and sugar.

  4. How much fat should you eat on Keto?

    Around 70-80% of your daily calories on the keto diet should come from fat. Protein should be moderate at about 20%, and carbs very low at only 5-10% of calories.

  5. What are some mistakes to avoid on the keto diet?

    Avoid mistakes like overeating protein, not eating enough fat, exceeding your daily carb limit, not replacing electrolytes, and thinking you can have “cheat days.” Stick to keto-friendly foods only.

  6. How long should you stay on the keto diet?

    For weight loss, most stay on Keto for at least several weeks up to 6 months. For health benefits, some stay on long-term. Speak to your doctor about how long to follow the diet.

  7. Does Keto cause any side effects?

    When starting Keto, side effects can include fatigue, headaches, cramps, and mental fogginess until the body adapts. Drinking enough water and replenishing electrolytes can help counter these.

  8. Can you exercise on the keto diet?

    Yes, you can and should exercise while following the keto diet. However, performance may suffer initially as your body adapts. Exercising helps accelerate fat-burning and weight loss.

  9. Is the keto diet safe long-term?

    For most people, the keto diet is generally safe long-term, as long as veggies and nutrients are still consumed. However, it’s best to discuss this with your doctor first. Monitor your health while on Keto.

  10. What foods are off-limits on the keto diet?

    Foods to avoid on Keto include grains like bread, pasta, rice, baked goods, beans, legumes, starchy veggies like potatoes, sugary foods like soda, fruit juice, candy, and ice cream, and high-carb fruits like bananas. Avoid processed foods.

  11. How do you start a ketogenic diet?

    To start Keto, drastically reduce carbs to under 50g daily, increase healthy fats, moderate protein, drink plenty of water, supplement electrolytes, remove temptations from your home, and plan keto-friendly meals and snacks. Ease into it.

  12. What should your macros be on Keto?

    Typical macros on Keto are 70-80% fat, 15-20% protein, and 5-10% carbs. So, for example, on a 2000-calorie diet, that would equal 140-160g fat, 75-100g protein, and 25-50g net carbs.

  13. What is keto flu, and how can you avoid it?

    Keto flu refers to the flu-like symptoms like headaches, fatigue, cramps, and brain fog that can occur when transitioning into ketosis. Staying hydrated, replenishing electrolytes, getting enough sleep, and exercising can help minimize keto flu symptoms.

  14. How do you know if you’re in ketosis?

    Signs you’re in ketosis include increased energy, suppressed appetite, fruity breath, dry mouth, and potentially a change in urine smell or color. You can test with urine strips for ketones. As ketones rise, keto flu symptoms should subside.

  15. What are the different types of keto diets?

    There is standard Keto with under 50g carbs; cyclical Keto, where you cycle in and out of ketosis; targeted Keto, where you carb up around workouts; and high protein keto, which increases the protein ratio.

  16. Is keto safe for diabetics and prediabetics?

    Yes, Keto can be beneficial for diabetics and prediabetics because the low-carb intake helps stabilize blood sugar levels. However, they should monitor it closely and discuss it with their doctor first. Medication dosage may need to be adjusted.

  17. Can you build muscle on the keto diet?

    It is possible to build muscle on Keto, but it may be slower than on a standard higher-carb diet. Ensure adequate protein intake, strength training, and time carb intake around workouts for best muscle-building results.

  18. Is Keto recommended for weight loss?

    Keto can be highly effective for weight loss for several reasons – satiety from fats/protein, elimination of empty carbs, water weight reduction, body utilizing stored fat for energy, and potentially increasing calories burned.

  19. What are some keto snack ideas?

    Good keto snack options include nuts, seeds, nut butter, jerky, cheese, avocado, hard-boiled eggs, pork rinds, cucumber slices, celery with nut butter, kale chips, berries, and dark chocolate.

  20. How do you succeed on the keto diet long-term?

    Tips for keto success include planning meals and snacks, tracking your food intake, drinking plenty of water, adding electrolytes, exercising, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and joining a community for support.

  21. What alcoholic drinks can you drink on Keto?

    Alcohol to enjoy on Keto in moderation includes dry wines, champagne, and spirits like vodka, whiskey, tequila, and rum (no sugary mixers). Avoid beer, sweet wines, liquors, and cocktails with carbs.

  22. Can you eat dairy on the keto diet?

    You can eat dairy products like cheese, plain Greek yogurt, heavy cream, and butter on the keto diet. Opt for full-fat dairy rather than low-fat. Milk should be limited due to the lactose (milk sugar).

  23. Should you count calories on Keto?

    Generally, counting calories is not needed on Keto, but you still want to be mindful of portions. If weight loss stalls, you may need to watch calories to prevent overeating.

  24. What artificial sweeteners are keto-approved?

    Good sugar-free sweeteners for Keto include Stevia, monk fruit, erythritol, and sucralose (Splenda). Avoid maltitol and high amounts of sugar alcohols, which can affect blood sugar.

  25. What recipes can I make on the keto diet?

    Many recipes can be made keto-friendly, including frittatas, fat bombs, chicken recipes using almond flour, cauliflower pizza crust, zucchini noodles, taco bowls, curry dishes, keto smoothies, chia pudding, and more. Get creative!

  26. Should you intermittent fast on Keto?

    Intermittent fasting can amplify the benefits of Keto by allowing for an even greater reliance on burning fat for fuel. Start slowly and work your way up to more extended fasting periods.

  27. How can you reduce keto flu symptoms?

    Drink plenty of water, get extra sodium, magnesium, and potassium from foods or supplements, eat more fat, moderate activity levels, and consider exogenous ketones. Symptoms should resolve within a week or two.

  28. Is keto safe for someone with high cholesterol?

    Keto may help improve cholesterol levels due to its emphasis on healthy fats. Focus on foods like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish. Monitor your levels and discuss with your doctor.

  29. What vegetables can you eat on Keto?

    Great low-carb veggies for Keto include leafy greens, asparagus, zucchini, spinach, kale, artichokes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, celery, and peppers.

Congratulations. You’ve mastered the ketogenic diet. You’ve lost weight, feel better, look fabulous, and enjoy abundant energy. You’ve put a lot of effort into improving your health, so what happens when you’ve reached your goal and it’s time to abandon the keto diet?

It’s a hard fact that maintaining your weight loss can be more complex than losing that weight in the first place. Returning to your old, bad eating habits may be all too tempting. In addition, when you discontinue the keto diet, your metabolism will likely slow down, making weight maintenance more difficult.

You certainly don’t want to lose momentum and return to the unhealthy

You certainly don’t want to lose momentum and return to the unhealthy, all-American, sugar and carbohydrate swamp with your lost weight returning. The options below are undoubtedly best for maintaining your current state of health.

Consider your options before you stop the keto diet. Have a plan in place and execute it. Since the keto diet provides many options, it will be easier to adjust to a maintenance style.

Continue Keto

Continue on the keto diet that has been successful for you, but consume more food. Not different, high-carb foods, but the same foods you ate on the diet, in somewhat more significant quantities. You’ll be eating more calories.

This will allow you to eat more protein and fats but keep the carbohydrate level low. This can be a hit-and-miss process; add more calories to your diet, see how your body reacts, and adjust accordingly.

This option ensures that carbohydrates are no longer running your life, as you won’t suffer from the cravings you might have had when you started the keto diet.

Shift from Losing Weight to Gaining Muscles

With the increasing energy you enjoy on the keto diet, you may wish to focus on improving your muscle tone. Many athletes are fans of the keto diet. This means retaining your low body fat but adding muscle and definition. Strong muscles help strengthen bone density and keep you strong as you age.

The best way to gain strong muscles is to consume more calories in the form of lean proteins. This option is difficult to maintain unless it includes a resistance training exercise program.

Remain on Low Carb but not on Keto.

When you use the keto diet to lose weight, your carbohydrate restrictions are pretty strict. You can maintain weight with a low-carb diet, but not as rigid as Keto. You can enjoy many healthy beans and legumes by adding a few more carbs to your diet.

How much more carbs is very individual because everybody is different. Add a few cups of beans, lentils, or another serving of carrots to your diet each week and see how your body reacts. You’re on the right track if you continue to maintain your goal weight. Add 10 grams of carbohydrates a week until you are satisfied with the results.

The advantage of this option is that it allows you to eat good, healthy foods that are off-limits on the keto diet. Having a greater variety of foods from which to choose will make it easier to maintain weight.

If you gain weight, cut down on the added carbs.

Use Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting gives you additional options. Remember that fasting forces your body to burn fat.

Here are some ways you can fast intermittently:

  1. Eat what you want for five days, then fast for 2
  2. Eat two meals a day instead of three, providing a longer period without consuming food.

When you begin to embrace Keto, you will enjoy all the benefits of healthy eating. By consuming fewer carbohydrates as a lifestyle, your body will remain sleek and robust. You will also be providing it with ammunition to ward off many chronic diseases.

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